


Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is a time for all Titans to reflect 和 discuss how each of us can help create a safer 和 更具包容性 campus community that strives to prevent sexual assault 和 sexual misconduct.


加入第九条和性别平等 TitanTHRIVE在新窗口中打开 for awareness events 和 skill-building workshops throughout the month of April to help us build a Connected Titan Community in 2024 和 beyond.


草坪上的性爱 为学生


1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.


加入TitanWell, TitanTHRIVE, 和校园伙伴一起最可靠的买彩票平台健康的性行为, 的关系, 和社区.

了解更多关于 TitanWell 在新窗口中打开 TitanTHRIVE在新窗口中打开 , 和 consider joining drop-in sessions each Thursday afternoon in April from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 学生健康隔壁.

创造更多的边界肯定,共识为中心的工作场所 为员工



不幸的是,这个工作坊是为员工准备的 已被取消 由于校园社区的回复率很低. 第九条和性别平等计划在另一个时间举办这个讲习班. If you would like to be added to the interest list for the event, please email Kristen Entringer at kentringer@wxzjnt.com.

建设更多了解创伤的校园空间 对学生和员工都适用


10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


This introductory Zoom session hosted by 第九条和性别平等 is open to all CSUF students 和 employees. Participants will learn about the core principles of trauma-informed practices that each of us can use to create more welcoming 和 trauma-informed spaces, 无论是当面还是在网上. Participants will leave the session empowered to reframe their perspective, 了解他人不同的需求, 使之有意义, 创伤影响了他们与他人交往的方式. 回复在线在新窗口中打开 来接收事件缩放链接.

〇“牛仔日” 对每个人来说


11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.,“为改变而行”活动从 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.


Denim Day takes place each year as part of SAAM on the last Wednesday of April. 这个一年一度的活动对每个人来说都是一个重要的、可见的SAAM活动. 主办:TitanTHRIVE, this year’s Denim Day provides an opportunity for you take pictures for social media wearing denim to show solidarity with survivors at the Solidarity Photo Booth throughout the event, 从下午1点开始加入“为改变而行”.m. – 2:30 p.m. 来了解性暴力如何影响CSUF社区.

泰坦社区承诺 对每个人来说


11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.


Meet several campus departments 和 off-campus agencies to learn about 资源 和 steps you can take to create a safer, 更具包容性, 更欢迎反对性侵犯的校园社区. 免费食物和赠品,送完即止!

Empowering Yourself 和 Others: Boundaries 和 Consent in Student Leadership 为学生


4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.


由教育法第九章和性别平等主办, this workshop will discuss how student leaders can benefit their 俱乐部s/teams by focusing on boundaries 和 inclusivity. 学生将学习如何在日常互动中练习同意, 沟通并确认界限, 识别和处理潜在的有害规范, 访问资源. 了解更多 回复在线在新窗口中打开 在活动中得到一顿饭.

打破障碍:预防与旁观者干预 为学生


3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.


这个交互式 workshop hosted by 第九条和性别平等 is open to all CSUF students to learn about how to overcome common barriers to being an active byst和er in potentially harmful situations. 学生们将反思自己的能力,做出积极的改变, 他们将确定干预策略, 中断, 和 seek 资源 to prevent 和 address potential misconduct 和 interpersonal harm. 供应披萨和点心. 无需回复.

21世纪强奸文化的过去、现在和终结st 世纪 对学生和员工都适用


12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.


This workshop hosted by 第九条和性别平等 is open to all CSUF students 和 employees as we come together to reflect on what harmful norms, 假设, 和 attitudes – sometimes collectively referred to as “rape culture” – have historically meant for our society 和 what they continue to look like in 2024, 无论是当面还是在网上. Join this session to explore how our actions 和 even the words we use can either empower or marginalize, 因为我们希望在我们的社区防止不当性行为和暴力. 午餐提供给那些 回复在线在新窗口中打开 在会议日期之前.


所有关于负责任的员工报告 为员工


12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.


This session hosted by 第九条和性别平等 is for all CSUF employees to learn more about what it means to be a Responsible Employee per CSU’s 不歧视政策. 员工在结束面试时,会对面试时间有更好的了解, 为什么, 以及如何向相关部门报告. 回复在线在新窗口中打开 来接收事件缩放链接.

晾衣绳项目 对每个人来说


10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


加入TitanTHRIVE, TitanWell和 Waymakers 在新窗口中打开 to support survivors; read their stories written on t-shirts hung along 泰坦走. 这个一年一度的活动对每个人来说都是一个重要的、可见的SAAM活动.

了解更多关于 TitanWell 在新窗口中打开 TitanTHRIVE在新窗口中打开 , 和 consider joining drop-in sessions each Thursday afternoon in April from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 学生健康隔壁.

改写性别与同意的剧本 为学生


3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.


这个交互式, multimedia workshop hosted by 第九条和性别平等 is open to all CSUF students to learn about how unhelpful 和 even harmful 假设 和 expectations we have learned throughout our lives may limit how we engage with others in both social settings 和 intimate 的关系. 让我们开诚布公地谈谈健康的沟通和肯定同意! Refreshments will be served, 和 10 participants will receive a CSUF prize pack. 回复在线在新窗口中打开 接收提醒并增加您赢得奖品包的机会!


请联系Kristen Entringer, 第九章副协调员和高级民权调查员, at kentringer@wxzjnt.com with questions about any events hosted by 第九条和性别平等 this month.

To collaborate on future events or request accommodations at any event, please contact titleix@wxzjnt.com

请求预防规划 & 事件

你有兴趣了解更多关于旁观者干预的知识吗, 建立更健康的关系, or preventing harmful behavior based on gender 和 sexual orientation within your 俱乐部 or team? 我想为你们部门申请一个预防教育研讨会, 学生组织, 体育团队, 一群朋友, 或同事? We can tailor a prevention workshop to your group's needs or collaborate with you to bring your idea to life! 请随时给我们发电子邮件 titleix@wxzjnt.com to request a customized prevention education workshop either in person or 通过放大!


第九条和性别平等 provides m和atory Title IX training for new 和 returning members of Sports Clubs, 公认的兄弟会和姐妹会, 已确定的学生组织, 一级学生运动员, 以及特定的员工群体, including those working in 体育运动 和 Housing 和 Residential Engagement. To learn more about m和atory Title IX training for specific populations, review the 学生培训在新窗口中打开 员工培训在新窗口中打开 网页或电子邮件 titleix@wxzjnt.com 一般性问题.


Are you interested in learning more about Title IX 和 what your rights 和 options are as a student or employee?  Want to learn more about how to report alleged misconduct or how to support a peer participating in a Title IX investigation? Curious what steps the 第九条和性别平等 team takes once we receive a report? 我们的团队可以为您的部门提供量身定制的研讨会, 俱乐部, org, 或者是关于第九条和性别平等的团队, 资源, 政策, 和流程. 请随时给我们发电子邮件 titleix@wxzjnt.com 要求参加教育法第九条的演讲或研讨会!


第九条和性别平等 regularly hosts a workshop titled 关于负责任的员工报告 for all CSUF employees who want to learn more about their reporting obligations when they know or learn about acts or allegations that may violate the CSU 不歧视政策. 下一次会议将于2024年4月12日星期五通过Zoom举行. 了解更多信息并立即注册在新窗口中打开 ! To request to be put on an interest list for the next session, please email Kristen Entringer at kentringer@wxzjnt.com


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要报告本网站的问题或意见,请联系 titleix@wxzjnt.com.
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